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7 Ways to reduce stress

My Whiter Smile

Stress affects our bodies and minds, and it can cause us to feel anxious, angry, sad, or even physically ill.

Try these tips to manage stress so you can live a healthier lifestyle.

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is a great way to relieve stress and anxiety. When we breathe deeply, our body releases endorphins, which are natural painkillers. If you have ever been in a situation where you felt stressed out, try taking deep breaths to relax yourself. You may want to practice this technique before going to bed at night, or even while you're working.


Meditation is a great way to clear your mind and get rid of negative thoughts. Try meditating for 5-10 minutes each day. Find somewhere quiet and focus on breathing steadily. You can find some more mediation tips here.


Exercise is a great way to release stress and tension. Yoga, running, swimming, walking, etc., are all good ways to exercise. Make sure you do something you enjoy doing! If you're looking for exercise tips in cooler weather, check out our earlier blog post

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a great way to relax muscles and ease stress. A massage therapist can help you work out any knots in your back, shoulders, neck, or legs.


Sometimes in short supply here in the UK, but sunlight helps us produce vitamin D, which is necessary for our bodies to function properly. Vitamin D is also known to reduce stress levels. Even if you live somewhere that gets little sunlight, it's still good to spend time outside.


Music is a great way to calm down and relax. Listen to music that makes you happy, whether it's upbeat or relaxing.


Sleep is really important to staying physically and mentally healthy and getting a good night's sleep can help us feel less stressed. But, if we're stressed, it can be hard to get to sleep, so trying some of the tips we've mentioned here first can help.

It's also quite common for people who are feeling stressed to clench their jaws, or grind their teeth during sleep. This is also known as Bruxism and it can lead to other dental and health problems, if not treated.

If you're suffering from Bruxism, our custom-fit bite guards can help and are available to order in our online store.

Find out more here:



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